Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is to be scheduled to start 2 weeks after surgery unless you are informed otherwise. It is important to select your physical therapy location and call ahead of time to setup an appointment as many physical therapy locations are scheduled out for 1-2 weeks. Below are phone numbers to schedule at a UCHealth facility if desired:
Inverness: (303) 694-3333
Sterling Ranch : (303) 265-3380
Lone Tree: (720) 848-2200
Aurora (University of Colorado Anschutz Campus): (720) 848-2000
Stapleton: (720) 848-2000
Sports Medicine Center (Colorado and I-25): (720) 848-2000
Boulder: (720) 848-2000
If these locations are not convenient or you would like to go to an outside physical therapy center you may do so. You will be provided a prescription for physical therapy and a rehabilitation protocol at your first post-operative appointment. Again, you are encouraged to call before or soon after surgery and schedule an appointment to start 2 weeks after surgery. Specific rehabilitation protocols can be found here.