Latissimus Transfer (Subscap)
PHASE I: Protected ROM (8 weeks)
- May remove dressing and shower postop day # 3.
- Sutures are all underneath the skin and will dissolve on their own.
- Ice or cold flow systems encouraged for the first week at a minimum: should be used 3-4 times per day.
- Sling should be in place when not performing exercises.
- Hold pendulum exercises until 4 weeks following surgery
- May start active scapular mobility exercises at 6 weeks – Must keep the shoulder musculature relaxed.
- Avoid all active and active assistive exercises until cleared by the surgeon. This includes pulley exercises, wand and supine assisted exercises.
- Initiate exercise program 3 times per day:
- Immediate elbow, forearm and hand range of motion out of sling
- Passive external rotation of the shoulder to 30 - instruct family member (start at 6 weeks)
- PROM into scapular plane elevation to 120 degrees (start at 6 weeks)
PHASE II: Progressive ROM (8 to 12 weeks)
- May discontinue sling.
- Lifting restriction of 5 pounds should be reinforced with patient.
- Start AAROM and AROM – includes pulleys, wand and supine gravity assisted exercises. Emphasize all motions except IR behind the back until 3 months.
- Isolate and strengthen scapular stabilizers.
- Progress PROM and capsular stretching of the shoulder as needed – elevation and external rotation as tolerated
- Avoid resisted training or strengthening. Avoid AROM in positions of subacromial impingement.
PHASE III: ( >12 weeks)
- Discontinue formal lifting restrictions.
- Start progressive rotator cuff and shoulder strengthening at 3 months – isometrics initially
- Initiate isotonic strengthening at 4 months (Theraband, dumbbells, Hughston’s exercises, etc). Include home cuff strengthening program. Continue to emphasize scapular stabilizers.
- Equate active and passive range of motion. Encourage scapulohumeral mechanics during active shoulder motion.
- Simulate work/recreational activities as rotator cuff strength and endurance improve.
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